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Oxydizer Cream
Oxydizer Cream
Loreal Professional Diactivateur Developer for Diarichesse and Dialight
Data sheet
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1. Bank Payment to the following accounts:
National Bank of Greece: Account Number 489/404103-83
IBAN GR02 0110 4890 000 4894 0410 383
Piraeus Bank: Account Number 5765-015255-999
IBAN GR93 0172 7650 0057 6501 5255 999
Alpha Bank: Account Number 907-002101-121787
IBAN: GR 77 0140 9070 9070 0210 1121 787
2. Paypal
3. Cash on Delivery
4. Credit or Debit Cards.
You can pay with up to 12 interest-free instalments: 3 instalments for orders more than 60,00€. 6 instalments for orders more than 80,00€. 8 instalments for orders more than 120,00€ and 12 instalments for orders more than 300,00€.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners, Discover.
Oxydizer Cream
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